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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Breese


As a group in this seminar we had to (in small teams) decipher what we depicted Fashion Communication and Promotion (FCP for short) to be.

My mini-group's ideas linked together well and formed the idea that:

FCP is the Art of Persuasion: it is a visual interpretation of what people want out of the fashion world and not what they need.


Everyone could dress and live exactly the same way, however advertisements etc have the power to make people think they need to buy what they think that need. For example: they NEED that paracetamol for that ugly headache, but they WANT those new pair of Gucci loafers because they were photographed in such a beautiful way. There is a line between what we WANT and what we NEED. FCP is there to kick people up the bum so they fall over the line of WANT. It entices them through the seduction of a story. Everyone wants Chanel No.5 because it has a myth around it being that desirable fragrance that Coco Chanel herself adored, and that Marilyn Monroe coated herself in. The desirable thing being coloured water that smells a little musky, that actually costs 10p to make. The WANT is the name and the story, the consumer is made to believe that it will change their world completely. Who knows to them it just might?

But will it?

Probably not.

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