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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Breese

Glossier Showroom

Updated: Apr 27, 2018

So I dragged my friends, whilst in NYC, to Soho. All because I wanted to see the millennial aesthetic that is the Glossier showroom. If you don't know what Glossier is, here is the rundown brought to you straight from their website...

And you betcha I took my own photos while I was there.

Placed outside of NYC's Chinatown, Glossier is pretty recognisable through its' HUGE flags on the side of their building in their extremely recognisable font. So picture me and my friends just waltzing into the main reception, only to be told that there was a 10 minute wait....of course we waited! I was not missing out on this opportunity. After the longest 10 minutes of my life we were finally let in, all of us were packed into a tiny elevator and taken up to the showroom (to note the staff and so nice and they are annoyingly cool, like you want to be them) When the doors opened I literally was not disappointed. It's everything I have read about, seen in youtube videos and been told about. (I originally saw the showroom in Joan Keem's vlog, I should also note that they change their decor now and again so if my images look different, don't worry it's the same place) The millennial pink is EVERYWHERE.

As you step out the elevator you see this beautiful bust with a gorgeous pastel bouquet, already the aesthetic is there. With this are strategically placed products along with a mirror. Next to this is a little secluded corridor that has a famous mirror (if ya know ya Glossier) that has had many a selfie taken. Yes we did it. I am sorry, not sorry.

Heading into the main part of the showroom it is filled with people like myself taking pictures and sampling products. They have everything from skincare to perfume. I asked one of the staff what their most popular product is at the moment and she showed me the 'Boy Brow'

Next to the Brow Boy was their original product and another one of their best sellers the titled 'Lip Gloss' Bottom line i sampled it and bought it within 2 seconds.

This brings my instagram to a whole new eye pleasing level. I love how the product heroes your natural lip colour. By using the lightest pink to the point of transparency it highlights the lip making it shine and plumpy. I also adore the idea of just naming it as what it is. A lip gloss.

After my impulse purchase I received my buy in about 3 minutes. The way a purchase works is that you order with a member of staff and buy it online via an ipad. Another member of staff at a counter then prepares the product and places it in their signature bag, that comes with freebies and a card with your name on. (The whole shebang is on my instagram @glossierflower) I loved the quickness of the purchase and the convenience of not having to wait in a queue.

Overall, the showroom is worth the wait and worth the time you spend in there. It's great for photos and no joke their products are amazing. You can purchase their line on their website however seeing the brand with your own eyes and being a part of their vision is a true experience. From the visuals to the music you hear in the store, everything is inspiring. Most importantly if you love you instagram to look uniform and pretty af their products are the things to take a photo of. I would like to thank Glossier for a better insta-aesthetic.

Here are some more images from the showroom, but I will say that if you are in NYC go and visit and see it for yourself!

Stay glossy, I guess ;)

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