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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Breese

Perfume HEY

Okay so I am just going to come out and say I HATE PERFUME ADVERTISEMENTS.

Hate them.

I could do without them. OR how unnecessarily elaborate they are.Seriously what is so bad about just a picture of a bottle? Maybe some flowers with it? Something to indicate the scent?

People only buy into the perfume for it's main purpose...THE SCENT.

Some advertisements I can swallow. Just because of how nicely they are presented, and because there is an actual meaning behind the image. No sexual desire for no reason. Tom Ford if I see one more glistening naked person holding a bottle between their bits...I'll scream.

One advertisement I can swallow is the 2017 Chanel No.5 L'EAU featuring, new Chanel poster girl, Lily Rose Depp.

Even though it's a cliche, I love the large scale bottle. It shows that the perfume has a huge presence; the model's eyes peer through it insinuates that she is seeing the world through the eyes of CHANEL (not a bad pair of eyes to have in my opinion) BUT not just CHANEL. The fact that the scent is clear enhances the fact that your vision will be clear to you. Whether this be a physical or mental vision.

Lily Rose Depp (the daughter of actor Johnny Depp) is the model in question. A new IT girl who has gained an influence through her family name, fashion and acting campaigns she has previously featured in. The new poster girl for CHANEL isn't your average looking model. This is a trend adopted by Karl Lagerfeld as he uses the non-stereotypical beauties of the world.

Depp is the sole face of this campaign. Leading the new fragrance away from it's mother fragrance (CHANEL No.5) This new generation of No.5 has a totally different smell. It's airy, floral and soapy. YOUTHFUL compared to the original. This matches Lily Rose Depp perfectly. Modern Culture knows who she is and will therefore buy into CHANEL's new rebranding, as it aims more at a Generation Z/Millennial market.

Now in contrast to the previous this next advertisement I show... I HATE. With a near passion.

But that is for another post....

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