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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Breese


I have been following fashion blogger Margaret Zhang for around three years. Every year she has managed to create some amazing pieces of writing, editorial and photography. I am in awe of her work. The thing that mainly draws me to her work in photography is her use of colours. They have depth to them and a richness. Whether they be light or dark. Her style of writing is truly her. I found her on a programme called Fashion Blogger (E network) and she writes as she speaks. She is very eloquent, yet edgy. Also uses the term 'hella'.

What I am inspired by the most is her work ethic. How hard she works has determined where she is today.

One day I went to go and visit ShineByThree (her original blog name now and it wouldn't load. I freaked out. Mostly cause I wanted to know what she was up to as this was suspicious. Low and behold the website had a revamp and so did she. Publishing her post - 'This is Margaret'

Within the post she explains how she wants her blog to be the platform of her business and not just a place for her to write about fashion and photography. Margaret also comments on the current social media climate where people all have branded identities; she speaks of how she has learnt how to keep what is personal and professional a part from each other (unlike in my opinion most people on social media) My favourite part of the piece is where she states-

"What were once media authorities, now react to the impulsive inclinations of shorter and shorter attention spans. That is not to say that I am some shining beacon of innovation and newness. Far from it. To continuously broadcast your own visual and written perspectives is numbing at best, regardless of whether you’re able to separate what is personal, personable, and private. That said, I figure that toppling my own infrastructure can only force reinvention and… evolution."

I think this epitomises the current social media culture we have in our world.

Margaret then goes on to how she has filmed a little hello video to what she called Margaret 2.0. Set in Venetia it highlights the gorgeous orange, yellow and blue tones of the world around her. Styled beautifully, it is filmed almost in a Wes Anderson tone, which I adore. She accompanies this with little gifs of her, which is where I get my Wes Anderson-esque idea from.

I am in love with the little subtitles in these. They are simple and almost make you laugh as it sounds like the beginning of an indie film that should be shown at Cannes.

I think wanting to be a new version of herself is a fine thing. We all like to change ourselves now and then. Whether we cut our hair, dress differently, or in Margaret's case a new brand identity. I think it's also brave considering she has a huge audience who, like me, is used to her usual identity online.

But here's to Margaret, and the absolute legendary woman she is.

I just can't wait to see what she has got in store for us next.

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