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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Breese

Staying Gold

Gold- a very greedy colour. It represents a lot of negative aspects of wealth. There are more cliches around the colour than there is any unpredictable scenarios. - my final opinion.

As well as this, the more I thought about how gold used to be the colour of wealth and status; within religion and hierarchy. I saw that the colour has changed and adapted from a high society profile to a colour for everyone, due to the change in culture and science. We now have the technology to make synthetic golds which means that you don't have to scrimp and scrape for £100 for a dainty golden necklace (which is what you would have had to do to own a precious metal) The preciousness of the metal has vanished. It's now accessible to everyone. This could be seen as how the colour has taken a symbol of tackiness, as people can over do it with how excessive they are using it.



The brief for my photoshoot task is to work as a pair to make an image/photo series/video of the colour we were given (so in our case gold)

We started to think of the concept of the Midas Touch, as this links with the cliche of wealth and religion, so thought about taking images of hands. Painting a hand gold was the first idea, but then after talking to a lecturer and being given advice on the materials we will be using, it made us think more about what types of gold represent what.

This evolved our idea. Four different photos of the same hand would be taken.

One~ a hand covered in glitter: representing the glamour and fantasy of the colour.

Two~ a hand draped with golden jewellery: this would represent the wealth and greed of the colour (whether it is a facade or not)

Three~ this hand would be painted and dripping with gold paint: representing the 'Midas Touch' therefore symbolising the ancient theories behind gold

Four~ we would paint the models nails gold and have her hold a golden phone, showing some aspect of social media that has to do with gold: representing the vanity of the colour

All of this ultimately represents the worlds obsession with the colour and the greed it portrays. Yet if you have the midas touch, and everything you touch turns to gold, is there really any value left anymore?

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