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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Breese

Summative Project: Overall

So it's done now. I finished my InDesign and my Sketchbook is done. Just two or three more blog posts to do then I can be stress free till the next project.

I am going to start by showing you my InDesign document.

I love using InDesign ( no matter how annoying and temperamental it can be) I went through numerous amount of layouts until I came through with this. Thank you pinterest for the inspiration. However, I do think that it could look better, but that's why I am at uni, to learn how to develop my skills further.

In terms of the process I didn't find it too stressful. I planned my time out well and got everything done in good time before the deadline. I also enjoyed creating everything and researching. I am used to doing all of these things because of my previous a-levels so I knew how long things took to do, stress levels were down. I focused a lot on this as if it was a job. i may end up doing this for a living so these are all practice rounds for the real thing.

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