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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Breese

The Creative Process

There are five key stages of a creative process in FCP.

Contexts~ Research (authority and opportunities) and Insights (identify and illuminate)

Ideas~ Generation (scope and range) and Selection (edit and focus)

Concepts~ Analysis (visual research) and Development (design solution), as well as Artist Research

Outcomes~ Plan (communications and route to the consumer) and Make (create and deliver)

Autonomy~ Encircles the whole process, focuses on your commitment to the course and your studentship.

During the lecture we were briefed on what to exactly expect from the course. These were broken down into three main questions from a students perspective:

What do I need to learn?

In order for use to learn efficiently we will be given numerous briefs, projects and learning outcomes throughout the year, and the next 2 after that.

How will I learn?

Through projects, tasks activities (whether they be group or individual) and research pieces.

How will I know that I've learnt it?

As students we will be assessed individually, both, in formative and summative ways.

Formative assessment: consists of feedback and grading throughout the course.

Summative: relies solely on the final project of the semester, this will give the final grade of the course of first year.

My summative project will take place during the four week period we have away from timetable in the Christmas period.

There will be two semesters (one for each module): FASH10105


During the year there will be numerous amounts of sketchbook work and blog work (which is why I am starting now)

*Note to self: buy that damn sketchbook*

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