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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Breese

White Boxes...White Boxes E V E R Y W H E R E

Just searching around different fashion houses' websites and I stumble across Balenciaga.

And ...their newly designed website.

Here it is-

That's is just it before you ask. Innovative?


Is this supposed to be a 'gender has no stereotype' kind of thing?

Is the lack of, more like extinction, of images a bid to get the consumer to keep clicking and clicking and clicking and clicking and clicking and- (you get the idea)

Well the answer is yes.

See you click on, lets say, the women's section and MORE white boxes of death emerge...

Then you start to get suspicious because there are no images STILL. So it takes you a while to see what each box contains. Given the small font it takes more than just a while. When you have finally chosen what you want to see, after much deliberation I clicked on the ready to wear section.

*insert the dramatic music*

Low and behold there are more white boxes. Could this be the most EXPENSIVE, yet most PLAIN, BORING and UNCREATIVE web design ever?

Depends how you see an "art form" like this.

So again you pick your category after again reading the weirdly small, sorry"minimalistic" font, you choose another category, I think I chose dresses? Let's see...

No looks like I chose tops. Next time maybe?

Again more white boxes.

Now I am believing that this is being less 'aesthetic' and just plain lazy.

Where's the creativity?

Where's the style?

The background doesn't even compliment the clothing.

Catalogue collection anyone?

ASOS do this for probably a quarter of the price.

I think something that has so much creativity and flare, should be matched with something that is equally as creative as that. Not to overpower, but to compliment it. To give it a story. People like stories. That's why I prefer to buy from shops anyway. The atmosphere of a store makes the story that can be missed from online stores. I love shop windows (window shopping being my hobby *cries in poor student*) It'd be cool if you opened the Balenciaga website and to replace the lack of creativity, that is overshadowed by a clinical hospital vibe, there should be music. Music that inspired the collection, the runway even. What was the music used for the runway?



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